Picture from Win!
And quotes:
Sergio "I mean would you be too scared to go back out... to... sea?"
LooneyGM: "Heck no I'm not going out right now. I've got to nurse my wounds in grog I have."
Sergio: (his grog is wounded?)
Lyril: ( Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bartender! )
Sergio: (it is taking so long sergio will just bake us a boat)
Sergio: (hawkeye drugs some of sergio's baked goods)
Sergio: (to make the captains AMENABLE)
Sergio: (then we just keep feeding them special brownies until we get there)
Sergio: "MY PIE"
Sergio: "IT FELL OVER"
Sergio: "IT IS RUINED"
Floret: (If only I was in the right conversation, I'd tell Sergio: 'If at first you don't succeed, Pie, Pie again.')
Lyril: (Mind if we do a bit of this in PM?)
Lyril: (At least my bits. XD)
LooneyGM: (certainly on your bits)
Sergio: (we would never make you expose your bits)
Hawkeye (so does Sergio die?)
Sergio (what I can't die from not seeing trees)
Sergio (we could all die. but not just me.)
LooneyGM (Tree branch from nowhere sweeps sergio overboard!)
Floret (Waaash! Noooo- I mean Sergio! Noooo!)
Floret "Ah, like a guiding star! Only deadlier."
LooneyGM: The island has a mostly tropical climate. Non-blue wood trees ring small patches of water dotted across the island
Sergio: (yes it is time to bust out the hawaiian shirts and drinks in coconut shells with small paper umbrellas)
Sergio: (he should go first. then he can get hurt and Lyril can be all OMG HURT PERSON and run in after and trigger any other traps)
Sergio: (Then you and I can have the treasure ALL FOR OURSELVES HAHAHAHA)
LooneyGM: After a good lot of searching the treasure was discovered underneath a marked rock inside a cave.
Floret: (We found 'Man with Ferret'. And we thought the Nazis had it this whole time!)
Sergio: (what about three large pink women and one piece of gauze?)
Hawkeye: "Wait...I'm turned into the bastard, I can look at his package now."
Hawkeye stretches his pantaloons out and looks down.
Hawkeye: "...wow, that bastard's HUNG."
Hawkeye: "Now I REALLY hate him."
Sergio takes the initiative!
LooneyGM: (where are you taking it?)
Hawkeye looks down. "I've got a problem."
Floret "We know that. Be specific."
LooneyDM out
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