This will be the last set of quotes from the saturday campaign that is wandering around under a mountain. They managed to defeat the BBEG, the deathknight they hated so much, a few other undead (DRAGON!), and emerged victorious. Next session is wrap up and rolling into a brief 4e game.
Atargatis: (( Please amend that six to however many characters we actually have ))
Atargatis: (( I was too lazy to count ))
Steely Dan: (( yes steely is like a ninja ))
Steely Dan: (( a loud blue and red stinky ninja ))
Steely Dan: (( IS HE DEAD ))
LooneyGM: (( VERY ))
Steely Dan: (( YAY ))
Dahmpir: (( GOOD ))
Steely Dan: (( CLEAVAGE ))
Helena: (( MY SOCKS ARE HAPPY ))
Atargatis: (( I am now in position to be ripped to shreds! ))
LooneyGM: (( hooray? ))
Atargatis: (( Hooray! ))
Clementine: (( that's what tanks are for! ))
On the Stinking Cloud spell
Steely Dan: (( so... it's... a giant fart? ))
LooneyGM: (( yes ))
Clementine: (( I hope we are not down wind. ))
Nelven: (( interesting way of putting it ))
LooneyGM: (( you may not blame it on soaring ))
Steely Dan: (( it's clearly helena's fault ))
* Helena bends over and rips one open.
Clementine: (( I has old-lady strength. ))
LooneyDM: "What do you want?"
Steely Dan: Moonshine!
Atargatis: "Peacebonded?"
Helena: (( « 1d20+20 = 16 + 20 = 36 » Lore, wtf does that mean ))
Atargatis: (( Helena draws on her vast Anime Convention lore! ))
Clementine: (( my mouth is not being bonded. ))
Steely Dan: (( THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID ))
Atargatis: (( To be fair, I'm a pretty crappy diplomat ))
Nelven: (( im the one with the high charism, lol ))
Steely Dan: (( I just put more ranks in intimidate. that's like diplomacy. ))
Nelven: (( does helena know how to smelt it? can she wihtout a forge? ))
Helena: (( I'm a living furnace ))
Helena: (( I think I'll manage ))
Nelven: (( either that or the bitches are gonna have a big square ass ))
Helena: "And COFFEE! I reeeeeally need some coffee..."
Atargatis: "Well, in leiu of coffee we've got you a nice fresh cup of the undead."
Atargatis: (( And I'm going to try to hit this jerk with Elder Mountain Hammer ))
LooneyDM: (( hammer time! ))
LooneyDM out
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