Art from here
LooneyDM out
Quotes from Sky Piratey game:
Lyril ( Going to heal Kefin there. )
Hawkeye (Lyril is PARTY CLERK)
Hawkeye "Might want to tell 'em to come back, she's gonna blow."
Hawkeye sounds hilariously passe about all this
Sergio (yeah Hawkeye is practically off having a rollup XD )
Floret (Hmm... the guy I hit before... I am going to try to violently knock him unconscious for later interrogation! With the hilt of my awesome sword, of course)
LooneyGM (pommel away)
Hawkeye (also he should get +2 for SEXY BOD-AY)
Floret (Oh man, Sergio should have that as a... as a forte or foible)
Hawkeye (we'll call that the Fabio bonus)
Floret ('Loses shirt at every given opportunity')
Floret (This is the longest, bloodiest, most dramatic lifeboat trip ever)
Sergio (treasure! is it the fabled Golden Bearclaw?)
Hawkeye (no, it's the Emerald Eclair)
Hawkeye (The Ruby Rimoulade)
Sergio (platinum popover?)
LooneyGM: They rummage through the hold, one of them thinks he sees a movement under a tarp. At the last moment a rat pops out from under the edge and scurries off.
Floret: (The loyal rat has given himself up to save you!)
Floret: (Yeah, you guys can go forward without me. Hopefully. You can, can't you?)
Floret: (You're not allowed to kill me and use my corpse as a sled while I'm away)
Floret: (Not even if it snows!)
LooneyGM: It's your old friend...
LooneyGM: (I don't seem to recall his name, remind me of it will you)
Kefin: (... crack cocaine?)
Sergio throws salt in Luccal's eyes
LooneyGM: "gah!"
Sergio: "Open the door and I'll give you a wound to go with that salt!"
Kefin: (all 3 attack)
LooneyGM: (keep that up and someone's going to hit you)
Kefin: (*shrug* I figure, but this is the last guy)
LooneyGM: (there's three left)
Sergio: (uh oh!)
Sergio: (*laughtrack*)
Kefin: (I'm already down)
Lyril: ( . . . with the sickness?)
Floret: (But in the future there WILL be jumping off of things, I promise!)
Floret: "I broke some contracts, people back home tend to take that seriously."
Sergio: "can't you just send them a muffin basket?"
Floret: "Sergio, if I were to send them a muffin basket the only real change would be that they would enjoy delicious muffins as they haul my ass in."
Floret: Between the acupuncture needles and Hawkeye's reaction, Floret is a little freaked out
Sergio: "here Hawkeye, have a donut"
Sergio offers donut
LooneyGM: (And now floret is really freaked out. After all who carries a donut in their pocket and how did it survive the chase without being smashed)
Floret: (Floret will gamely ignore the magic donut for the sake of THIS)
Floret: When it becomes clear that Hawk is ignoring the donut, Floret intercepts it and eats it
Sergio: (hey man)
Sergio: (cargo pants)
Sergio: (and do not mock the emergency donut!)
Lyril: (No mocking intended. Let's just glaze over this incident.)
Hawkeye: (has lyril ever spoke?)
Hawkeye: (I don't remember her speaking)
Sergio: (nope)
Floret: (...Me neither)
Sergio: (she's the strong silent type)
LooneyGM: "Good job you could all make it, but there's one little problem."
Lyril (Why is it always a "little" problem? Couldn't it be tiny? Or minuscule? Or nonexistent?)
LooneyGM: However it appeared to be not as safe as first advertised due to the presence of people in the supposedly abandoned tavern
Sergio: (solution: kill them, then there will not be people in the tavern)
Sergio: (can't I make a joke, Looney?)
LooneyGM: (Yes you can)
Sergio: (can't I make a joke without you ruining it, Looney?)
LooneyGM: (I can't promise anything)
LooneyGM: Floret does not believe the wine has been poisoned.
LooneyGM: However
Floret: (However?)
Sergio: (hawkeye was right?)
LooneyGM: (right on which count?)
Sergio: (I think she wants to get her hands on my rolling pin!)
Hawkeye: (KNEAD DAT ASS)
Sergio: (I'll give her some cream filling!)
Sergio: (I totally just grossed myself out XD )
Floret (I choose to reroll one of those 2s))
Floret roll 1d6
dicechan --> "Floret rolls 1d6 and gets 1."
Hawkeye: (SUDDENLY)
Hawkeye: (...nothing happens)
Sergio coughs very softly
Floret: (Why would you DO that?)
Sergio: (dust)
Sergio: (DUST)
LooneyGM: "Wait."
LooneyGM: Laura disappears into the kitchen.
Hawkeye: ("Fuck me first")
Lyril: (Either that or the whipped cream.)
Hawkeye (sergio is using all of his very large muscles EXCEPT THE ONE THAT MATTERS)
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